FEB 23-24, 2023 | GECKO Kick-off Meeting

  • Date: February 23rd-24th, 2023
  • Location: CIMNE-CERCA (Spain)
  • Agenda

On February 23rd-24th GECKO project celebrated the official Kick-off Meeting, which was held in the CIMNE-CERCA premises. The meeting was mainly built up on the operational aspects of the network, the scientific approach, and the network-wide training activities which covered the key areas of the project.

The Project Coordinator and the Work Package Leaders introduced their parts which were followed by discussions on inputs, doubts clarification, and needs regarding each of the aforementioned topics.

Taking into consideration that no aspect or information during the meeting came up as new for any of the partners and discussions were positive and constructive, it can be regarded as a successful first meeting. All in all the reasons and objectives of the kickoff meeting were fulfilled as Work Package Leaders and Task Leaders are fully committed to their tasks.