• WP1 Technical Coordination

    Objectives: This WP will be devoted to the technical planning of the project. This includes the establishment of initiatives, interaction and information exchange procedures between the different beneficiaries and associated partners.

    WP-leader: CIMNE – CERCA

  • WP2 Dissemination, training and exploitation

    Objectives: The overall objectives of this WP are to communicate and disseminate GECKO research results to a wide community of experts and non-experts in the field and to exploit results within the GECKO consortium and to manage the data resulting from the project.

    WP-leader: KU Leuven

  • WP3: Solver Technologies (CFD & CSD)


    • Develop CFD techniques to be combined with IBRA-like discretization of the surfaces using an immersogeometric approach or other flavours of immersed techniques. Focus on robustness and efficiency by leveraging implicit solution technologies.
    • Explore the use of both high order volumetric discretization and low order unstructured ones. Employ adaptive techniques to improve the quality of the results.
    • Explore the use of IGA-based discretization for complex nonlinear problems in Structural Mechanics. Focus on implicit techniques. Assess the use of advanced constitutive models in combination with high-order volumetric discretizations, taking particular care to aspects related to mesh dependency and size effects. Consider also the case of fracture mechanics.
    • Make use of IBRA-like discretizations or of approaches like the Finite Cell method in developing 3D structural mechanics models.
    • Explore the use of IBRA technologies for application of contact mechanics. This will involve the development of immersed contact technologies.

    WP-leader: UNIPV

  • WP4 Acoustics & Vibro-acoustics


    • Apply recent (parametric) model order reduction strategies on IG-BEM and to explore different strategies, such as automated Krylov recycling strategies.
    • Apply these strategies for shape optimization problems in design.
    • Accelerate eigenvalue analysis for parametrized structures.
    • Extend existing model order reduction strategies to coupled vibro-acoustic problems, where acoustics are described by IG-BEM.
    • Include fast assembly strategies for BE systems

    WP-leader: KU Leuven

  • WP5 Management

    Objectives: This WP will be devoted to the management of the GECKO project, including the coordination of the project from the administrative and financial points of view. Ensuring adequate reporting, reviewing mechanisms and accounting facilities for the project management.

    WP-leader: CIMNE – CERCA