WP3: Solver Technologies (CFD & CSD)


  • Develop CFD techniques to be combined with IBRA-like discretization of the surfaces using an immersogeometric approach or other flavours of immersed techniques. Focus on robustness and efficiency by leveraging implicit solution technologies.
  • Explore the use of both high order volumetric discretization and low order unstructured ones. Employ adaptive techniques to improve the quality of the results.
  • Explore the use of IGA-based discretization for complex nonlinear problems in Structural Mechanics. Focus on implicit techniques. Assess the use of advanced constitutive models in combination with high-order volumetric discretizations, taking particular care to aspects related to mesh dependency and size effects. Consider also the case of fracture mechanics.
  • Make use of IBRA-like discretizations or of approaches like the Finite Cell method in developing 3D structural mechanics models.
  • Explore the use of IBRA technologies for application of contact mechanics. This will involve the development of immersed contact technologies.

WP-leader: UNIPV

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