MAR 19-22, 2024 | GECKO Mid-term check Meeting, 2nd Technical Workshop & S2 Scientific Course

Located in the beautiful city of Florence, the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science “Ulisse Dini” at the University of Florence (UNIFI) was the perfect place for hosting the Mid-Term Check Meeting, followed by the 2nd GECKO Technical Workshop and the S2 Scientific Course. This setup allowed us to come together and work closely on the project in a comfortable and conducive environment.

The Mid-Term Check Meeting served as a pivotal milestone in the GECKO project and showcased the dedication and expertise of the Principal Scientists and Doctoral Candidates (DCs). Their commitment to pushing the boundaries of research in IGA-type discretization workflows was evident throughout the meeting. The collaborative atmosphere in Florence fostered rich discussions and valuable insights sharing, reinforcing our collective vision for the project’s success. The GECKO project is progressing as planned as we look ahead, maintaining the momentum and looking forward to the next project events.

During the 2nd GECKO Technical Workshop, the Doctoral Candidates offered comprehensive updates on their progress since the previous session, while Senior Researchers from GECKO project delivered enlightening presentations on advanced GECKO-related topics. This interactive format fostered robust knowledge exchange and collaboration among participants, significantly contributing to the project’s forward momentum.

Additionally, the S2 Scientific Course, titled “Isogeometric methods employing spline representations and adaptive methods” co-organized by UNIPV and UNIFI provided participants with an immersive exploration of cutting-edge computational analysis. Through engaging sessions covering numerical analysis, hierarchical splines, adaptive methods, multipatch constructions, LR-splines, and advanced applications, attendees were empowered to delve into the transformative potential of isogeometric methods. Led by renowned experts, this interdisciplinary course served as a perfect platform for knowledge exchange, equipping participants with the tools and insights to push the boundaries of scientific inquiry in computational analysis.