NOV 10, 2023 | Online introduction meeting for the DCs & 3rd GECKO follow-up project meeting

  • Date: Friday 10th, November
  • Location: Virual
  • Agenda

On November 10th GECKO project celebrated an online meeting to meet the GECKO Doctoral Candidates! We were really happy to welcoming them to this exciting project, and we were delighted to heard them explaining their scientific background, individual research projects and personal interests. We are really sure that we have built an amazing team for this project. Below you can find the video recording of this event and the DCs presentations. The meeting started with a brief project introduction of the Scientific Coordinator, Riccardo Rossi from CIMNE, and continued with the presentation of the DCs and a short introduction of the supervisors, scientific staff and project managers of the project. The meeting ended with a review of the project status where the next steps of the project were planned.

Watch the video and presentations and enjoy!