DC1 CFD techniques for IBRA-type discretizations:
Explore the applicability of IBRA-type discretization to problems in solid mechanics.
DC2 IBRA-type discretizations in computational solid mechanics:
Explore the applicability of IBRA-type discretization to problems in solid mechanics.
DC3 Application of IBRA-type discretizations in implicit contact mechanics:
Use of smooth CAD discretizations in contact mechanics is known to be beneficial.
DC4 Co-simulation strategies involving IBRA for solution of multi-field problems:
Complex technical systems often require a partitioned approach to enable disciplinary modelling and simulation with bestsuited solution approaches and discretization techniques in each domain.
DC5 Large deformation structural elements (beams and shells) modeled with IBRA, including trimming and multiple coupled patches:
Development and systematic assessment of high-accuracy and robust structural mechanics elements for large deformation isogeometric B-Rep analysis.
DC6 Mathematical tools for immersed IGA:
Development of mathematical tools for immersed IGA, related, in particular, to accurate and efficient integration, multipatch coupling, and dynamics (implicit and/or explicit).
DC7 Complex Constitutive modelling for immersed and shell discretizations:
Study of structural mechanics problems for immersed 3D or shell discretizations, with a special focus on advanced constitutive modeling, composites, phase-field modeling of brittle fracture, structural dynamics.
DC8 Efficient unbounded acoustic analysis starting from CAD:
Combine the IGA BEM method and recent model order reduction strategies that have been applied in a pure BEM-context.
DC9 Model Order Reduction of coupled vibro-acoustic systems:
DC9 will work towards efficient model order reduction schemes for one-way coupled and fully coupled vibro-acoustic analysis where the acoustic domain is described using a boundary discretisation.
DC10 Implementation of IGA in the design and analysis workflow of machine elements and systems:
Although the basic principles of IGA are known for some decades, its application in industry is less spread than one would expect considering its fundamental advantage: the representation of real surfaces in a well-defined mathematical way instead of a discrete non-smooth finite element mesh.